Dear New Families,
Welcome to St. Augustine High School’s New Family Information Virtual site. Due to the unprecedented nature caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic we are providing the information through a series of documents, links, and videos. While definitely not the way that we had hoped to provide this information, it is necessary for us to convey this information as directly and efficiently as possible. The following videos contain information designed to help you navigate the enrollment of your son(s). Please take the time to view the videos, and if you have any questions please direct your inquiries to the presenter by emailing them at the links provided below. The documents, links and videos will cover information for the following topics: (Clicking on the text below will take you to the corresponding video, document, or link).
Welcome– Ed Hearn
Academics– Greg Hecht
Algebra Readiness Exam– Greg Hecht
Accommodations– Carl Bronson
Student Services– John O’Beirne
Summer School– John O’Beirne
Finance– Kevin DeRieux
Athletics– Matt Linville
Football– Joe Kremer
Frequently asked Questions (Academic Departments)
**Important information for incoming freshman UPDATED May 13**
Freshman Summer Reading Assignments
New Parent Night Campus Ministry
Saints Outerwear Online Order Link- Deadline is June 5, 2020
Saints PE Gear Purchase Link – Deadline is July 26, 2020
Thank you for taking the time to view these videos and please make sure to follow through on the requirements mentioned in the videos. If you have a question and do not know where it should be directed, please contact the Director of Admissions, Paul Sipper at and he will see that your question is either answered or forwarded to the proper party.
God Bless,
Paul Sipper
Director of Admissions
St. Augustine High School