NHS PEER TUTORING IS BACK! Start the semester off strong with a review session during lunch with our NHS peer tutors in room 435. Tutoring will be available every Tuesday and Thursday.
TRACK SEASON IS HERE! ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN TRACK SHOULD COME TO A MEETING TODAY, DURING LUNCH ON THE TRACK. We will go over the season, schedule, and events. All new athletes must attend, returning athletes please check in with Coach Segura in room 435.
ATTENTION SAINTSMEN! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PLAYING FOOTBALL NEXT YEAR AND BEING A PART OF THE HISTORIC TRADITION OF SAINTS FOOTBALL? Then please join us Wednesday, February 2nd at lunchtime for a meeting in the theater. This meeting is for returning players from every level and anyone interested in coming out to play. Again, Wednesday, February 2nd at lunch in the theater. See you there.
ATTENTION: ALL CURRENT AND PROSPECTIVE BASEBALL PLAYERS. Tryouts are this Saturday February 5. There is a mandatory meeting in room 331 at lunch on THURSDAY (Feb 3)!!! Be prompt. You must attend to tryout.