Seniors, if you’d like to attend OLP’s Homecoming you can purchase a ticket through the link on Canvas. Again, this is a senior privilege only. Remember that any dance you attend, Saints or hosted by a different school, you are representing yourself and the school so behave accordingly. A ticket must be purchased by September 25th. Link: LINK
Attention Saintsmen! Are you curious about the captivating world of medicine? Eager to explore
the secrets of the human body and discover the marvels of modern healthcare? Look no further than the Saints Med-Club!
There will be a meeting this wednesday in Room 434. Future events include field trips, practice with real medicinal equipment in a safe environment, guest speakers, and more!
For more information, please contact Omar Jaibaji atjaibajiom24@sahsonline.org!
Nachos and hot dogs for $3 Wednesday at lunch in the Commons lobby. $1 candy and $1 soda. Help ASB get rid of overstocked goods.
All basketball players who are not playing a fall sport, this is a reminder that you are welcome to attend open gym sessions on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm and Wednesdays at 3:30 pm. Open gym will last an hour and will begin Tuesday, September 12. Thanks. Please see Coach Haupt with any questions. Go Saints!
Attention seniors! Kairos signups are now available for our Fall Kairos retreat. The retreat will take place on October 25th-27th. The cost to attend is $185, and this includes housing, meals, transportation, and much more. Please come to Campus Ministry to pick up a permission slip. Kairos spots are first-come, first-served, so sign up today! Once they’re gone, they’re gone! Sign up today!