• September 7, 2023

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Are you interested in Greek or Slavic culture, or are you Greek or Slavic yourself? Do you like having a good time talking and chilling during lunch? Then come to the Greco-Slavic club’s first meeting today, in the Purple and Gold Room, that’s in the library. We will be discussing fun topics on the cultures, as well as starting to develop a logo and merch! Again, come to the Purple and Gold room at lunch for the Greco-Slavic club or email Sophomore James Burrell for more details


The Vinyl Club will meet on Friday, September 8th, in room 317 at lunch. Please stop by to check out the club and listen to some music. The first album we will listen to is Abbey Road by The Beatles. We would love for you to offer suggestions for future albums, and we look forward to talking about music with you. Please contact Luke O’Leary for more information about future meetings


Do you like maps? Are you interested in map-making? This Friday, September 8, at lunch, come to Room 229 for the Geography and Cartography Club’s first meeting. Again, the meeting will be this Friday the 8th in Room 229, on the second story of Mendel Hall. We will meet there every Friday. Email Club President Henry Barwick at barwickhe26@sahsonline.orgfor any questions.


ALL Students! Please help Esports vote for our first charity tournament game this year! One vote per person. Click the link to vote! https://forms.gle/jqrvoGY1Ywb1sh1H9
The Esports lab will be open after school every Wednesday and Thursday this semester from 2pm-3pm in the Esports lab, room 325. In case you missed sign-ups at club day, Esports is running competitive gaming tryouts, please contact Logan Sanford ASAP (sanfordlo24@sahsonline.org).

There will be a HIKING Club meeting this Thursday at lunch in room 222 (Gormly’s). We will be discussing the date and location of our first hike! Anyone is welcome to attend.


Pit Theme for Friday’s game vs the Arizona Saints is Body Positivity! Celebrate everything that makes our community great, all body types welcome!

Room 223 Films and Saints Drama are producing our fourth episode of “The Office” this fall.  Film crew members are needed for lighting, sound, set design, costuming, and editing, and other production activities.  No experience is necessary. If you are interested in film production this is a great way to see what it’s like to work on a film.  Introductory meeting on Friday, September 8 @ 2:15 in Room 223.  See Mr. Manley for details.


Attention seniors! Kairos signups are now available for our Fall Kairos retreat. The retreat will take place on October 25th-27th. The cost to attend is $185, and this includes housing, meals, transportation, and much more. Please come to Campus Ministry to pick up a permission slip. Kairos spots are first-come, first-served, so sign up today! Once they’re gone, they’re gone! Sign up today!


Everyone who hasn’t picked up their season pass, pick-up in Mr. Linville’s office at lunch or during office hours. If you want  one of  the remaining 10 student passes; please bring cash or check for $50 and see Mr. Linville (website sales are closed).

Saints e-Scene