Attention Saintsmen: there will be a Halloween Canned Food drive running through the end of next week. Please bring in canned or boxed foods and place them in the boxes in front of ASB. They will be donated to Fr. Joe’s Villages and other local charities in San Diego. If you have any questions, please contact Griffin Capielo, Dan Feiner, Drew Patterson, or Thomas Fuller.
No Shave November is here!! The ASB will be coming around during Block 1 and 2 the next couple days, so make sure to sign up. The money goes to Hogar, but more importantly $20 gets you Spirit dress EVERY Monday in November, and the freedom from razor blades and razor burns until Mass Wedenesday, November 29th!
Freshmen, are you interested in taking a leadership role on campus? Applications for Class Leadership which includes, Frosh Ambassadors, The Pit, and ASB open on Monday next week! They’ll be open for a week and then you’ll go through the interview process before being selected to a leadership position!
The Vinyl Club will meet on Friday, October 27 in room 317 (Mr. Chesser’s room) at lunch. Please stop by to check out the music and talk about music at lunch.
The Admissions department is holding a Shadow Host Orientation, Thursday, October 26 during Homeroom in the Gym. If your name appears on the canvas announcement, you have been invited to serve as a shadow host. In order to host a shadow you should report to your homeroom, leave your stuff, and after attendance and announcements head to the gym for a brief orientation. If your name is not listed, and you are interested in hosting a shadow, please see Coach Sipper in the admissions office or stop by the theater during office hours to express your interest.
Attention seniors! Kairos signups are now available for our Winter Kairos retreat. The retreat will take place from November 29-December 1. The cost to attend is $185, and this includes housing, meals, transportation, and much more. Please come to Campus Ministry to pick up a permission slip. Kairos spots are limited and are available first-come, first-served, so come pick up a permission slip today!