Attn: all baseball players planning on trying out this spring at any level, there is a final mandatory meeting at lunch on Friday in the weight room, be on time.
The Swim Team will be having a mandatory meeting this Friday during lunch. The meeting will take place in Coach Oliwa’s classroom, room 101.
Track and Field will be having a track and field interest meeting during lunch on 2/02. Students should come to Room 215 and talk to Mr. Pradel to get information for track and field.
The Vinyl Club will meet on Friday, February 2 in room 317 (Mr. Chesser’s room) at lunch. Please stop by to check out the music and talk about music at lunch.
Thank you for your help! Have a wonderful day and stay safe in the rain!
Monday. 2/5/24
– Tryouts 6:00-8:00
Tuesday. 2/6/24
– Tryouts 2:15-4:00
Wednesday. 2/7/24
– Tryouts 6:00-8:00
Thursday. 2/8/24
– Practice 5:00-7:00
There will be a mandatory parent meeting at 7:15 p.m. in the Commons
Friday. 2/9/24
– Practice 2:30-4:30
If you have not completed your physical, you only have this week to make an appointment and return the needed information to Mrs. Aceron.
I look forward to the season and to seeing all of you next Monday.
Come see me in my classroom this week if you have any questions.
Our next trip to Casa Hogar Infantil Orphanage is Saturday, February 10th! There are limited seats in the Saints van, and they will be filled first come, first serve, based on when your permission slip is turned in to campus ministry. We will meet at Saints at 1PM and drive to the orphanage from there. We will stop for tacos and return between 6-7pm depending on border line wait times. If you live in Tijuana or just want to meet us there, let Mrs. Brophy know. You must have a valid passport to attend. Stop by campus ministry and pick up a permission slip or contact Mrs. Brophy for more information!
Saintsmen, it’s almost course selection time: are you looking for great classes to earn your arts credit?
Announcing the triumphant return of Mr. Blumer’s Technical Theater class for the 24-25 school year. Tech Theater offers hands-on experience in the building and design aspects that occur behind-the-scenes in live performance. Tech students learn the basics of power tools, paint, light, and sound design in our theater facility and scene shop.
Are you more interested in being on stage and hearing the applause? Have you had to meet with Mr. O’Beirne because you crack too many jokes in class? Take Mr. Blumer’s Theatre Arts performance class to learn the basics of acting, play improv comedy games, and earn course credit for cracking jokes!