• February 23, 2024

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TO ALL RETURING PLAYERS WHO WERE ON VARSITY OR JV LAST YEAR. Report to the football office on MONDAY THE 26TH RIGHT AT THE START OF LUNCH for Axiom helmet fittings. If you had an Axiom last year, report to check in. If you do not show up, your Axiom may be given away to another player. Axioms are not optional. We want to ensure that Saintsman have the best equipment for your safety.
To those joining Varsity who were not with the program last year, report on Thursday the 29th and we will fit with all remaining numbers
The Vinyl Club will meet on Friday, February 23 in room 317 (Mr. Chesser’s room) at lunch. Please stop by to check out the music and talk about music at lunch
Lent is here and that means Grilled Cheese for Charity this Friday! Every week in Lent, the ASB will be selling grilled cheese (2 for $5) during a Friday or a Wednesday lunch. Proceeds go to Hogar! Cash or Card!
Esports is starting a new Fortnite team through Vanta Esports. If you are interested in playing, see Marco Mouritzen or Ms. Colorado for more information. 
The Junior Formal is coming this March! All juniors start looking for a date, the Junior formal will be at Seaworld this year on March 15th. More details to come later this month. 
Club Presidents- Club week is coming later this semester, be checking your emails for more info from Club Coordinator Thomas Fuller

Saints e-Scene