• Intramural Sports Center News February 15, 2013

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Tuesday February 19 is opening day for Saints intramural basketball. There will be two exciting games in Saints Dougherty Gym. Monday’s schedule features Patrick Dixon’sHOODRATS of homeroom #213 playing against Joey Ziber‘s RAY LEWIS UNCHAINED of homeroom #222 and Chris Keane‘s THE BALLERS of homeroom #105 facing Andrew Heffler’s MAD HEFS of homeroom #212. Let the games begin on the road to the final four.


DREW’S HOODRATS #213Captain: Patrick DixonRefs: Connor HauptDallas Haupt Vs RAY LEWIS UNCHAINED #222Captain: Joey ZiberASSEMBLY HALL – EAST COURT
THE BALLERS #105Captain: Chris KeaneRefs: Daniel CayaJohnny Peterson Vs MAD HEFS #212Captain: Andrew HefflerPAULEY PAVILION – WEST COURT

Intramural rosters are still being accepted. All rosters must contain captain and co-captain’s e-mail address along with the $2.00 fee and the $1.00 forfeit fee for each player. Team names must be approved by the homeroom teacher. Each team is allowed to have no more than eight players on the roster. Homeroom teams may have more than one team.

Saints Intramurals are ….faaaa…..nnnnnn…tastic!

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