Kyle Madaffer, a senior at Saints, has recently earned Scouting’s highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout. Kyle is a member of Boy Scout Troop 53 that is chartered by North Park Community Church. Kyle’s early scouting experiences as a Webelos Scout and as a Boy Scout were with Troop 959 located in the community of San Carlos in San Diego.
Along the trail to Eagle, Kyle’s enthusiasm and perseverance rewarded him with 39 merit badges. On May 9, 2009, he completed his Eagle project with the help of 51 volunteers. Trail erosion has become a serious problem on the Cowles Mountain Trail. He coordinated donations, procured heavy and light equipment, and led a team of youth and adult volunteers to build and install 448 feet of Peeler log fencing near the summit of Cowles Mountain in Mission Trails Regional Park in San Diego, CA. Peeler log fencing will help to protect the environment by keeping hikers on the designated trail and off vegetation.
Assisting Kyle with his Eagle Scout project were current Saintsmen and alums Peter Erbes (’12), Jacob Fulton (’12), Sam Howeth (’10), Brendan Kellams (’07), Joseph Kosen (’13), Michael Lindgren (’13), Chris Madaffer (’10), Kenny McClenahan (’12), Nick Morrell (’12), Ryan Morrell (’10), Eddie Moser (’09), Jacob Mudd (’09), Kyle Pocock (’10), and Evan Suda (’13).