• PPR SonicPep Rally

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This Friday morning the Sonic Pep Rally is going to have a new – albeit temporary – look. Mike Castellucci will be away on vacation. If you have witnessed Mike’s work during the Friday morning Sonic Pep Rallies, you know that it would be virtually impossible to find a suitable replacement. Figuring we can’t replace the quality of Mike’s showmanship, we have decided to go the quantity route. Rick Willis, John Soderman, Brandon Stone, Coach Shack and yours truly will all be making appearances Friday morning at St. Augustine H.S.

Collectively, the five of us will try to replicate the excitement that Mike generates by himself. This is what we have in store for you:

I will act as Master of Ceremonies. I will also serve as the Sonic Pep Rally “offensive coordinator,” and will lead the troops in a replication of the 46 Crossfire.

Rick Willis will handle Sonic Boom duties. It will be his job to get the assembled student body to register a new Sonic Pep Rally decibel record.

Brandon Stone, being the youngest and most expendable member of the PPR talent pool, will handle all the stunt work. Should he be injured in any way, the Prep Pigskin Report will still go on without incident.

John Soderman will jam with the Saints’ band, and Coach Shack will host “Story Hour” as he takes us down memory lane and gives a play-by-play account of some of the more thrilling showdowns with fellow coaching icon Herb Meyer.

We hope it will be ‘Must See TV’ for the entire family. It all starts Friday morning at 5:55 AM. Be there! If for no other reason than to see what it’s like to be awake at that ridiculous hour!


Paul Rudy
Creator of the PPR

Saints e-Scene