• May 17, 2017

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SAINTS ROBOTICS CLUB MEMBERS, WE WILL HAVE A MEETING IN MR. CROUSE’S ROOM 215, THIS THURSDAY DURING LUNCH. We will discuss some upcoming projects and how we plan on finishing out the rest of the year. We encourage those who are interested in show up even if you are not a member of the club. Please try to be prompt


TODAY WEDNESDAY: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, and Vegetables

THURSDAY: Big Lu’s Barbecue, Pork Ribs, Chicken, Mac n Cheese, Cole Slaw and Rolls 

FRIDAY: Spaghetti with meatballs and Garlic bread

ATTENTION SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS: The List of Candidates for California Scholarship Federation for Semester I 2016-2017 has been posted on the Library Bulletin Board, on the Academic Bulletin Board second floor of Villanova, and in the Registrar’s Office. If you are a candidate please pick up an application from Mrs. Oliwa in the Registrar’s Office. The form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Oliwa no later than Friday May 19th with the $2.00 application fee. If your name does not appear on the list and you feel you may qualify or if you have questions, please see Mrs. Oliwa.

IMPROV TEAM SPECIAL EVENT- This Friday The IMPROV Team is hosting a special IMPROV Workshop led by the National Comedy Theater.   All are welcome to attend.   Come join the fun and learn a skill or two.  Friday, May 19, from 1:00 to 3:00 in room 316.  See Mr. Slevcove if you have questions.





ATTENTION PARENTS:  The Daily Announcements at Saints are primarily intended for students. If you are looking for more information about school happenings please visit the front page of the school’s website and subscribe to the Austin Parent Association newsletter and the Saints Scene.  Both can be found on the right sidebar and will be delivered to your email.  If you wish to subscribe to the student daily announcements click here!

Saints e-Scene